We have the right solutions

Surrounded by smart, passionate people and with the best tools and approaches at your disposal, you’ll take giant leaps toward creating a business, becoming a founder and connecting. Presented below is a subset of projects developed by our team.

GER app

The GER App is an online application which supports the management of the operations of the Government Electrical Regulator (GER) with key objectives to: ....

TAJ Mobile App

Tax Administration Jamaica (TAJ) in pursuing its role to foster economic growth and development, by meeting its revenue target, focuses on improved service delivery, efficiency, and effectiveness. A mobile solution was developed and implemented by eGovJa,..


SmartCheck is a solution, developed by eGovJa for the JCF, which allows police officers to access critical information instantly for effective policing. Such information includes persons of interest, stolen motor vehicles, drivers licence and motor vehicle details.