The modernisation of the Customs Department, from a paper-based system to an electronic system, has significantly transformed the management processes relating to import, export and collection of revenue at Jamaica’s points of entry. This transformation was initiated mainly through the implementation of the C87 Electronic Entry Lodgement System (formerly C78), which resulted in the efficiency and effectiveness of various customs processes. Further enhancement to the electronic Customs system was brought about with the implementation of the e-Payment system. This added feature was made possible by the integration of the C87 system, Cargo Processing, Custom Automated Services (CASE), and the Customs New Cash Remittance System (CNCRS), thus making the system faster and more accessible.
Consequently, Custom Brokers can now lodge their entries, query entries statuses and pay duties over the Internet. Other systems developed include the Revenue Accounting, Export and eManifest to name a few.
The initial computerisation added enhancements, change in management processes and re-engineering, and has resulted in major benefits as indicated below:
- Increased revenue collection for the Customs Department
- The ease and speed with which import entries are submitted and payment made from the convenience of Customs Brokers’ offices via the Internet
- Facilitates 24 hours, 7 days per week entry lodgement
- Reduction of processing time
- Reconciliation of payments with entries processed
- The reduction of queries at collections points.